Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sleep, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?

Get ready, I'm about to complain.

I am starting to realize that I might not sleep through the night again until the baby starts to...and that is a long way away. My pregnancy books say that insomnia is a 9-month symptom, so unless I stop having to wake up to pee multiple times throughout the night, I don't see a good sleep in my future. Let me paint a picture for you.

9-10:00 - Kim goes to bed.
1:00 - Kim wakes up to pee, and takes 1-2 hours to fall back asleep.
3:00 - Kim wakes up to pee, and takes 1-2 hours to fall back asleep.
5:00 - Kim wakes up to pee, and takes 1-2 hours to fall back asleep.
9-10:00 - Kim wakes up, and wonders if this is what the rest of her life will be like.

This has been my sleep schedule, give or take a pee, for TWO MONTHS.


I'm sharing this with you today because this morning I woke up at 4:30 and it is now 10:18, and I still can't sleep. Therefore, I am extra bitter.

Now that I've vented my frustration a bit, on to more cheerful things! I believe I have decided that for a girl I prefer the name Chloe, and for a boy I prefer the name Tate. I'm going to do some research in the coming weeks about the healthiest way to feed your baby (aka. vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, etc.) because I'd like him or her to have the best start possible. Also, I find that kind of thing fascinating. I decided awhile ago to make my own baby food, so I'm also going to look into recipes for homemade baby food. That should be fun, and will definitely save big moula.

I got a job this week, and it starts on the 15th. This is a HUGE relief, because it means I can save for 4 months, then move in July, get settled in August, and work until mid-August, and hopefully be all ready for the baby in September! This is a very optimistic plan, but hopefully there will be no complications, no bed rest and no early delivery. That would be lovely. Also, I'm hoping a handful of muscular, spry, accommodating young men decide to help me move. If you fit this description, feel free to volunteer. If you don't fit this description, feel free to volunteer. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to move when I'm enormous.

Side note: Emma is here, and she just said "This sucks." Ditto.

Thursday is ultrasound day, and I couldn't be more excited. It will be nice to be reassured that everything is developing according to plan, and that there is a baby in there, not a dolphin. I will try and figure out how to get an ultrasound picture on here without a scanner A.S.A.P. In the meantime, prepare yourselves to see the cutest fetus you've ever laid eyes on.

That's all I have for now, mostly because my brain just shut down from exhaustion.

1 comment:

  1. Boooo tiredness... I hope perhaps after the peeing, you might be able to get some rest. Yayyy Chloe! I love that name. Tate reminds me of tater tots, but that's super cute! Especially when he's a 'toddler' or 'tot' ... then he can be Tate the tot.... OR Tate Tot... or Totty Tate.. the selections are infinite! WONDERFUL! I miss you. Perhaps I should call you tonight. I AM GOING TO CALL YOU TONIGHT!

    Talk to you sooon
