Saturday, February 13, 2010

9 weeks

Hello all,

Well, the past 4 weeks have been kind of crazy. Between moving home and giving up my independence (harder than I thought, and I thought it was going to be damn hard) to the beginning of the wonderfulness that is morning sickness, I am beginning to wonder if life is ever going to calm down. I know the answer is probably no, especially considering that I'm going to give birth to a little person who will be completely dependent on me for at least the next 18 years. However, I wouldn't mind just a tiny slice of calm. I have a feeling my second trimester is going to be as easy as life is going to get until the day I retire. Ah well. Good thing I already love this little naked person growing inside me.

I looked at a 3D pregnancy calendar today and to my surprise discovered that the baby currently looks more amphibian than human. He/she has a tail. A tail. A tail. To reassure myself, I skipped ahead to week 30 to ensure it wasn't a joke the wonderful people at were playing on the mothers-to-be of the world. It wasn't. The good news is, when little Bjorn (the temporary name I've chosen until I find out the sex) pops out, he/she will no longer have a tail. What a relief.

Anyhow, as of right now my baby names are Oliver for a boy, and Avery for a girl. I feel I might have to pull the "I'm the one squeezing a human out of my vagina, and therefore get more say than you" card on Jim with the name Avery. Time will tell. For those of you who don't already know, it appears I am destined to name my child something that has an Elvish meaning. All the names I like have meanings involving elves. I've accepted it.

I am currently the proud sufferer of morning sickness, nausea (I pronounce it NAW-JA, which bugs Jim, which is why I've decided to pronounce it that way forever), headaches, bleeding gums, insomnia, BREAST TENDERNESS x100000000, ridiculously excessive urination, and more random weeping than I'd like to admit. Pregnancy is wonderful. Auntie Laura gave me some food for thought when she said "Isn't sex FUN?!" in regards to my current physical state. She can be cruel at times. :)

Anyhow, that about sums up what's been happening this week. Jim will be visiting tomorrow and Monday which will be nice. I plan to give him food poisoning so he barfs, twist his nipples until they're purple, blow a foghorn in his ear causing a headache, punch him in the mouth, make him watch a sad movie and slip his hand into a bucket of warm water while he's sleeping, and call him at 2 hour intervals all night so he can't sleep...

...just kidding. :)


  1. Kim! I am officially following your blog. How long until you're into your 2nd trimester?

    Love! <3

  2. YAY! im supppperr happy your bloggin kim!
    :) This is top notch excellent.
