Yesterday at around five o'clock I started having Braxton Hicks contractions - which I'm used to at this point - on a semi-regular basis. As the minutes ticked by, they became more frequent and more intense. By 7:30, I was starting to think that maybe this was it! Labour! So, being my mother's child, I started cleaning. The thought going through my head wasn't "I'm going to have a baby!" but "This place must be spotless when I get home from the hospital!" It was weird, and kind of surprising. Anyways, after cleaning until I could clean no more, I slipped into the tub to try and relieve some of the intensity because at this point the contractions were getting pretty intense and the pressure in my back was unbelievable. I got out of the tub, checked to make sure I had everything packed and slipped into bed to read the 'How to Know If You're In Labour' sections of my pregnancy books. From what I gathered, it was just as likely that this was real as it was that it was false labour.
So, I called my mom. She made it pretty clear that she thought I should go to the hospital, and that I would end up having a baby at home if I didn't. However, after I hung up with her I thought about how tired I was and said to myself "You do not want to have a baby right now with no sleep." So I decided to try and sleep, figuring that if I was indeed in labour, I would either not be able to sleep, or I would wake up when it got intense enough for me to need to hop in the car and head for the hospital. On the other hand, if this was false labour I would most likely fall asleep and stay that way (until I needed to pee). So, being exhausted, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
I woke up this morning still pregnant. I was thrilled. I've been complaining lately that I'm sick of being pregnant and that I want to give birth NOW, but when I thought it was actually happening last night I was in a state of panic because Jim wasn't here. No matter how uncomfortable and impatient I am, I do not want to do this without him at my side. I can't even imagine it. So I had a chat with our little man this morning, and explained to him that while punctuality is an excellent quality to possess, making a habit of being too early can come off as obnoxious and rude, and he shouldn't develop a bad habit like that straight from the womb. I believe we have an understanding. As long as he can hold out until Friday when Jim arrives, I will be happy.
However, if he can give his dad and I just one day alone together before making his entrance (I'm dying to see Eat Pray Love) then I will be extra happy. :)
Only 2 1/2 more weeks...
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