Monday, August 9, 2010

34 weeks...tick-tock...tick-tock.

Well, I woke up this morning and it was still August so I'm pissed. Jim left for Sioux Lookout again on Saturday, and so began the longest four weeks of my life. I've been trying to make lemonade out of the situation and all I'm coming up with is that when this four weeks is over, we're together at last with no more goodbyes, and we will be 2 weeks away from having a baby! The tricky part is figuring out what the heck to do to fill up my time until then.

I actually have a lot to do. I still have a list of things to pick up for the baby (although we do have most necessities, so if he comes early we won't be diaper or carseat-less), lots of sewing to finish up (I still have two nursing covers, a changepad cover, a sling and a chair slipcover and a few pillows to sew), a couple of books to finish reading about holistic parenting and childbirth since I don't know how much time I will have to read once my little man is here, and lots of recipes to try out so I can figure out which ones to make and freeze in advance, and prepare grocery lists to make the first couple of weeks easier. Jeez...typing it out makes me feel like I should get my butt off the computer and hop to it! Oh, and I also have to finish the afghan I'm knitting for the baby. However, that's one thing that isn't urgent since I can knit once he's here too!

Last week we picked up a bunch of stuff to finish off the baby's room like clothes storage, stuff for a changing area, etc. Jim put up a shelf and curtain rod for me and I finished the 3rd (and last) painting I had planned for the room. Now once I have the slipcover for the second chair sewn, and the pictures of Jim and I developed and framed, the room will be complete! Speaking of which, I'll share a couple of the pictures on here.

The playpen arrived and is set up and ready! We also picked up our cloth diapers last week which was really exciting! We're using Bummis pre-folds and wraps (check them out online, they're painfully cute) and homemade wipes and washcloths in lieu of disposable diapers and chemical-soaked commercial wipes. I'm hoping disposable diapers will go the way of the do-do soon. However, we will have a few disposable diapers on hand for day trips and the odd day when I might need a pinch hitter when the diapers are all dirty and I'm sitting in the closet chewing on my hair because I don't want to do any more laundry. Cloth diapering is really easy though for people who have their own washer/dryer in the house, so while it may sound crazy, it's really a better choice, both for babies (organic unbleached cotton vs. synthetic & chemical-laden) wallets (a cloth diapering kit will pay for itself in 3 months instead of paying for disposable diapers for two years!) and the environment (disposable diapers are the third largest contributor to landfill waste in North America). Okay, I'm done ranting about the disposable diaper now.

I washed everything (and I mean everything that could go into a washing machine, did) and folded and put it all away, which was a magical experience. Washing and folding the clothes made me second-guess the amount of clothing we have and wonder if we needed more, but then I reminded myself that I didn't want to have a huge surplus of clothes and kicked that knee-jerk reaction's butt! I'm pretty anxious to have the nursery finished now that I'm in the home stretch. I go into the baby's room several times a day and just stand there, so excited for when there's a baby in it! After hours of research and reading reviews online we picked up a breast pump (I'll be using a manual one for now, since I'll only be pumping once a day for awhile) and a baby monitor. We decided to wait to buy a swing and baby carrier since they're not an absolute necessity and we need to watch the $$$ spending. We got the cutest baby bathtub I've ever seen! The carseat will arrive on Wednesday (thanks again Mom!) and once MEC get their butts in gear the stroller will be on it's way. We chose the BOB SUS jogging stroller. It's incredible, and I recommend you check it out online. The baby will be riding around in the cadillac of jogging strollers while I lose all this pesky weight. *I can't WAIT to get running again!*

Now as for me, the past couple of weeks have been hell pregnancy-wise. I've had intense pain from time to time from my pubic bone separating (which Dr. MacCara said is rare, but normal), sciatic pain so intense it makes me cry and an unbelievable amount of pressure in my lower back. Combine those with constant peeing, mood swings and an unbearably itchy belly and you've got me. Needless to say, I get grumpy from time to time and am 100% ready to give labour a try. On the bright side, the sciatic pain wasn't kicking around yesterday and seems to have taken a vacation today as well so I'm going to go enjoy a walk with Quincy while I can!

The baby is very active, and it's really fun to watch him move around in my belly. It's kind of weird to see things jabbing out and moving across the surface of my stomach, but also really wonderful to think that there's a little person in there who is tantalizingly close to being ready to come out and meet us. I can't wait!

Alright, well my butt hurts from sitting here typing too long, so I'm off for a walk with Quincy!

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